
Russell Receives Iowa State Bar Association Vice President Nomination

Ian Russell Attorney At LawThe Iowa State Bar Association (ISBA) Board of Governors unanimously selected Lane & Waterman partner Ian Russell as its nominee for Vice President. The formal election will be held this spring, where it is expected that Ian will be elected by the Bar’s membership. Traditionally, the Governors’ nominee for Vice President is elected to Vice President, followed by a year as President Elect, and then a year as President.

The ISBA is made up of 7,000 members and is governed by the Board of Governors, which is made up of 43 members elected from each of the state’s 14 judicial election districts. It is the oldest voluntary state bar association in the United States, with its formation in 1874.

Past ISBA President and Lane & Waterman partner, Bob Waterman, noted with praise, “For as long as I’ve known Ian, he has been dedicated to the mission of the Iowa Bar and will make an excellent president. I’m also proud to see another of our firm’s lawyers take on a leadership role for the ISBA.”

Since 2005, Ian has practiced law at Lane & Waterman in the litigation practice group. He has previously served as President of the ISBA Young Lawyers Division in 2013-14, and has served on the Board of Governors since then. He follows in the footsteps of Bob Waterman, Jr., Tom Kamp, and Robert Van Vooren as Lane & Waterman partners to serve as an ISBA officer.


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